zucchini carpachio

food this week

This has been my favorite meal this week....i really love the olive oil and crushed garlic....
i did a couple things differently though instead of the pine nuts and parm i chopped up a bunch of cherry tomatoes and fresh basil sea salt and let them marinate overnight in the oil and garlic mix.
i found a great website by the author of real food......i totally dig her philosophy...in fact im somewhere in between real food and raw food and i'm happy with that.
check out nina planck's site

Zucchini Carpaccio
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Apart from sliced tomatoes and salad leaves, it isn't always easy to interest people in raw vegetables. Yet they are delicious and very good for you. This recipe is easy, and because the ribbons of zucchini are delicate and tender, it seems to tempt even skeptics of crunch. Buy yellow and green zucchini, preferably smaller ones with thin skins and underdeveloped seeds. A warm thanks to my friend Robin Shuster, a wonderful cook, for this recipe.


* young zucchini - 1 lb for 4 people
* garlic - 1 clove for 4 people
* olive oil
* pine nuts - 1 T per person
* A salty, aged cheese such as pecorino or Parmigiano Reggiano

Smash the garlic and let it rest in olive oil for 20 minutes or more, as you wish. With a vegetable peeler, peel the zucchini, leaving small strips of green or yellow skin for some color. Discard most of the skin, unless it's very thin. For short ribbons, cut each zucchini in half. Continue to peel the zucchini, creating thin ribbons of flesh, until you get down to the seeds. If the seeds are small, the peels from the core are delicious and tender. I prefer the ribbons broad and bite-sized about 3 inches long but they can also be long and skinny.

Remove the garlic from the oil and toss the zucchini with the oil. Salt to taste. You can stop here and put it in the fridge for a few hours.

In a dry skillet, toast the pine nuts until golden and grate the cheese in thin ribbons like the zukes. If you don't have that sort of grater, a vegetable peeler works. Put both on top of the zucchini and serve at room temperature.
