coon dog days
there was alot of talk throughout the year about coon dog days in saluda,alot of buildup and hype,especially around eeyore's (token coon hound's)house. We got up early and made it there right when the parade started,apparently everyone and anyone can be in the parade and are encouraged to do so.This must be the most action this town sees all year i swear.The entire wayfarers summer campers were in full effect in the parade with their cheers and ranting songs in unison....(barf).There was constant noise after noise, smell after smell,butt sniff after butt sniff, a heein and a hawwin,jalopy horns over and over again,this was the most excitement that saluda could muster. it was like the south turned it up a notch and i couldn't handle it.My mind short circuited and i was silently freaking out just wanting to run back to the car and get away from all the people and noise.I wish i could have found some joy out of the coon experience but it wasn't about me it was about eeyore and i think that eeyore had a good time sniffin butts and stuff.....but after untangling his leash from other dogs leashes about a..... hundred times i think eeyore's dad was over it too.thank god.
we had a couple of beers and some lunch at this cafe/bike shop (can't remember what it was called)and decided to go.
well you have to check out the video i found...and take notice of how insanely noisy it is.(you may wanna turn your computer volume down a notch because it starts out with bagpipes)
the vid goes nicely with the picture i took too of the hillbillys.