Eating for two

   Yes, I'm preggers, and yes I did it on purpose.
I'm 13 weeks now almost 14 weeks along and
this will be #3 for me the other 2 are a lot older, with the youngest being 13.
I didn't exercise with either pregnancy before or even care about what I ate, so I am challenging myself to eat ridiculously healthy this time.
I had really bad nausea for about a month. It was hell, all I wanted to eat was "hangover food" and the thought of eating any sort of vegetable was out of the question.(insert extra 5 LBS right here)
So, started out really healthy up until about 8 weeks and the sickness set in until around 12 weeks to the day. Now I feel very energetic most of the day and excited about life again. I am motivated to eat well, in fact, it's all that I crave any more is fruit and veg. The extra weight has easily just about disappeared I think.
Diet now: lean proteins,lots of eggs, some beans (like really only garbanzos and edamame), avocados, greens (kale and arugula). I try and go to the farmers market every saturday since it's right around the corner from our house. I get local eggs, tomatoes,local cheese, greens,carrots,beets,milk pasteurized at the lowest legal temp because in NC it's the law. However in SC which is 10 mins away we can get the real deal milk, which tastes completely different. It's the difference between store bought tomatoes and homegrown. The smoked bacon is for the weekends really when we make breakfast as a family.

I really really wanna talk about how obsessed I am with pressed juice though right now!!
I more than anything want to buy a Norwalk juice press. My husband asked me how much it was and then he said, "no F#*ing way, we have a hole in our bathroom floor, theres no way we are buying a juicer that's $2,500 dollars!" I still want one and I will find a way, I don't care.

Just look at how beautiful this thing is!!
