F factor diet
Does anyone else start a new diet every week? So I have started following most of the Ffactor diet principles and I have really enjoyed it! Like, i'm super into it. I post periodically (but not too often) on my instagram (@acasteen) some of my recipes. You focus on adding more fiber to each meal and replacing regular carbs with more insoluble fiber which act as a sort of "negative" carbs absorbing fat and other calories and "sweeping" them out of your body. I like this idea, so i'm doing it.
There are some products recommended by the author and also tons of Ffactor followers share a ton of tips and tricks on instagram that I guarantee will send you down a rabbit hole on instagram and before you know it you will be up until 2am screenshooting recipes and ideas.
Some of my favorite takeaways (go ahead get your wallet out and go to amazon):
I've been better about the dairy thing. Next time i'll use Kite Hills cream cheese and see how this goes.
I did buy Miyoko's vegan mozzarella and it is quite good!! I have yet to melt it. I'll post that when it happens.
Another product that has ridiculous macros are a cauliflower pizza crust by califlour foods
i mean look at the ingredients!
The Ffactor diet is a lot like low carb or kept diet but with less fat and smaller portions.
You are still allowed to drink alcohol too.
Seriously though...check out the Ffactor website...it's bogged down with recipes on their blog, plus you can follow @Tanyazuckerbrot on insta her stories are great!
That's all for now. I have to go to work.