small baby update

Just started to feel the baby move a couple of days ago which is so incredibly cool and a large comfort knowing it's moving around in there.
Right now it's few and far between but mostly at night when I'm just sitting still and relaxing.
My belly is definitely growing and taking on it's pregnant shape. I won't be able to hide it much longer...i'm already getting looks from people especially at the gym when my clothes are tight. I  look like I just ate a really big meal all the time now. Like I should work out a little more or eat less, one or the other.
I don't care though. What is going on inside of me is so amazing. I feel so lucky.
I have only gained 4 lbs so far and I'll be 16 weeks on friday. I think that it's key to not over gain during pregnancy for optimal energy. I'm right on track so far.
Trying to go mostly paleo with this pregnancy and stay active. I really don't believe that we are supposed to sit around and do nothing and eat the whole 9 months. This only does us a disservice. We owe it to ourselves to stay in shape and stay full of energy to be able to take care of this new life that will be arriving. ok...blah blah blah.

We will be finding out the gender of the baby 3 fridays from now..............can hardly stand it.
