Obsessed with beverages
Im really starting to think I have an obsession with drinks. Not the alcoholic kind but the health tonic sort of drink.
It's not a cheap obsession either,so I have to be careful. I could buy a pressed juice everyday (@ lunas living kitchen)
if I let myself but that would be about a $300 a month habit, so I've dialed that one down to maybe once a week.
if I let myself but that would be about a $300 a month habit, so I've dialed that one down to maybe once a week.
Kevita Coconut kefir is a different story along with synergy Kombucha. I have to have one a day at least...what in the world am I doing? At least I get a 10% discount if I buy a case at a time.
I AM making the water kefir at home now so I have cut down some. I plan on make a 1/4 keg of it as soon as I get enough grains going!! Yes I am going to put it in our kegerator..(making my husband share it with me, half kefir, half beer)
I ordered a case of Thai coconuts to try and make the kefir out of coconut water at home by myself.(not any cheaper by the way)
I feel confident that it will work well and be delicious! My grains are doing a beautiful job and the recipe I have been using is really tasty.