Today I made coconut kefir and coconut yogurt
I love my vitamix seriously. I also love ferments! I will be posting a lot more food projects here in the near future. There is so so much going on in my kitchen lately I'm like a mad scientist! Plus,I really really want to share what I've been into lately in hopes to maybe find some like minded friends here!!
I bought kefir starter this time, I usually use the grains or crystals for doing non dairy kefir. Turns out you can use probiotic capsules that you may already have as a starter for yogurt and some other fermented or cultured foods.. Good to know! I love Donna gates (body ecology) shes like my idol...she has a lot of great info and awesome recipes on you tube. Check her out if you get a chance.
Coconut yogurt made from meat of a young coconut and a little coconut water.
let sit on counter over night.
Coconut water fermented for about 24 hours or until it starts to turn white.
(i don't let mine sit very long)