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NOW what do I eat ??????????????????

I seriously now have a condition called diet fatigue. I may or may not have just invented this phrase......I have listened to so many different food gurus and downloaded or bought so many so called healthy books, listened to 1,001 podcasts, 503 books from audible, listened in on 200 super food summit marathons. One will make complete sense to me and then someone else will come along and debunk the whole thing!!! I'm serious. PaleO..Omg i think people are still doing this but they are calling it Keto now.....same exact shit people. K? Forks over knives : no oil , no meat, no cheese but a s#!t ton of wheat. Bulletproof Diet :The only meat you should eat?  Grass-fed Cows and pigs...and not a lot of meat. Eat a ton of ghee, butter and coconut oil with a modest amount of greens  Use xylitol for sweetener....(poisonous as hell to dogs)In fact basically grass fed and grass finished everything. Grass finished  grass......Elite as fuck diet.....basically keto but keto "cy...

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